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Updated over a week ago

We may, at some point ask you to complete a wired speed test for us to assist you in identifying your speed issues.

Click below to test your speed.

Please note, Speed Tests completed over a Wi-Fi connection are not counted and will only waste your time and the advisors trying to help you.

What can make my Wi-Fi slow?

Well, where do we start...

  • Multiple browser windows open

  • Wi-Fi connection

  • Distance from the router

  • Other Wi-Fi routers interfering with yours

  • WiFi Channel

  • Bad network cables

  • Older hardware, including network cars and switches.

  • Powered devices giving out electro magnetic fields

  • Thick walls

  • Badly maintained computers

  • Multiple programs running in the background

and many, many more...

You get the idea, and most of these issues can be resolved by you in less that 5 minutes.

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